
Thursday, May 7, 2020

Week 4 Writing

Dogs are better than Cats

I think dogs are better than cats because they're more cuddly, bigger , stronger and are more easy to train.

I think dogs are better than cats because I think they're cute and cuddly. For an example: my dog Benji is cute and he likes to have cuddles.

Secondly dogs are better than cats because they’re bigger and stronger. When dogs grow up they become big and strong and can be really useful. For an example: a rescue dog.

Thirdly dogs are better than cats because they are  easier to train. If you try training a cat it will run off and do it’s own thing but if you try training a dog it will love to train with you.

I believe dogs are better than cats because they are cute and cuddly, big and strong and easier to train. If you are thinking you want a pet go get one!

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Week 4 Maths Screencastify

Week 4 Maths

Week 4 Maths

+ 234 

First add the ones columns together.  5+4 = 9
Second add the tens together. 60+30 = 90
Last but not least add the hundreds together. 200+700=900
Then add them all together. 9+90+900=999

+ 246

First add the ones together. 2+6=8
Second add the tens together. 10+40=50
Last but not least add the hundreds together. 100+200=300
Then add them all together. 8+50+300=358

Friday, May 1, 2020

Week 3 Reading - Anzac Biscuits

Week 3 Reading - Anzac Biscuits